Thursday, February 13, 2014

Lucifer Is Not A Pedophile Nor A Rapist

Lucifer Is Not A Pedophile Nor A Rapist (nor is he a murderer), but God/Allah/Jehovah may very well be. I'll be starting a REAL Luciferian church where TRUTH about him and God can be taught. If you'd like to support my ministry, you're welcome to participate in this unrivaled example of proper righteousness and holiness: Vincent Ciofani POB 105 Grayling MI 49738
-- otherwise, your infantile thoughts and comments mean as little as you do to the overall scheme of things, so you should keep them to yourself as pee-stained linen your mama never taught you to keep hidden until they were cleaned.
-- If Lucifer was a pedophile, Christ would never have instructed people to let the children come to Him knowing that Lucifer would imitate Him on Earth during the Tribulation (duh)...He did not forcibly take any woman, not even Eve when he beguiled her.

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