Published on Jan 18, 2014
"Good" & "Christians" In The Same Sentence? Okay, But It Ain't Pretty. All I have for examples are negative, like my siblings, hypocrite sisters and niece who're such pathetic hypocrites they'll unfriend my wife on FB because they regard my art as "filth" and can't show any support for it after the decades of sacrifice we endured when my wife intervened against their homelessness with MY music budget that was never replaced (ground I never recovered due to the ground my money was sown into being so putrid and infertile). Bitches like my sisters are part of why I despise "Christians" so bad and have waged war against anything that'd allow such monsters to refer to Him as their "God". They're also the reason why I'm pushing to have my grandmothers on both sides eternally executed to stop a bunch of human-shaped shit in my own family from existing in the New Earth. If they never exist, then my grandfather gets a better wife, children and grandchildren and I get born to a woman who's not a monster-spawner and into a REAL family who doesn't eat their own like the Christian fanatical retarded inbreds (blatant pedophile and adulterer enablers) I was cursed with for family. I'm the oldest of a huge brood of inbredded monsters I can't even congregate with on the holidays because they're so vile and stuck-up and nasty.