Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Lucifer's Whereabouts and Agenda

Lucifer's Whereabouts and agenda

Clarifying some prophesies utilizing the hidden (decoder) prophecy of Daniel.

In the 4th minute of the video I talk a little more about the other spiritual entities we rarely consider that I lovingly refer to as "shitworm spirits" due to how they act.

What 666 really means and refers to: sixth vial, sixth trump, sixth seal.

What "anti" properly translates to when referring to Satan, who'll be returning to this realm and planet pretending to be Jesus Christ/Joshua (the Son of God Allah).

How the shitworms led those they control to devalue their own fortunes.

How Lucifer will take away the ill-gotten gain of those who're controlled by shitworm spirits and redistribute it to the poor it was stolen from.

How the one-world government will be a government that all peoples love rather than fear (well, except for the Elect).

What God Allah describes as an "infidel" (anyone who claims to love Him while denying that Jesus Christ/Joshua is His Son is an infidel as described by God Allah...ironic).

How Satan had nothing to do with the creation of the black bible and was unable to communicate with humans (in any capacity) for the past 2,000 years due to his incarceration in God's realm with his inter-dimensional pass revoked. So all who claimed to be in contact with Lucifer (or Satan) or claimed to have engaged in a "pact" with him are liars and charlatans; including Aleister Crowley.



We Are Self Supporting Via Member Donations

We are self-supporting via member donations.
Not much has been mentioned about member benefits lately because we've been so busy.
Let's take this time to review some of the benefits that our supporting members enjoy:

We firmly believe in our religious freedom to get together for private ministry and sexual rituals and communions, as supporting members already know.

We also have a special group of members who all have medical marijuana cards and can therefore legally participate in ceremonies where we get together and smoke our medication and invite the spirits to participate in our sexual communions.

We have anonymous options for being a supporting member, like using the snail mail address below, which comes in handy for providing us the extra info we need before considering you as an invite candidate (those who refuse to disclose anything about themselves or who do not provide pictures usually go to the bottom of the pile until they provide more info).

c/o Vincent
POB 105
Grayling, MI 49738

or use the donate button and respond to the thank you email with the required info...

Either way works just fine. We hope this explains better why some of you have not yet been invited for private communion: It's up to YOU to take the initiative if you really want to participate.

It's been awhile, so a review was probably overdue.


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