Friday, October 20, 2017

Fear Of Your Tongue Has Them Scapegoating Satan

Because they fear your supernatural power, they hide behind an absent scapegoat, hoping that you'll never figure out who they are. Please support this channel. You don't need a PayPal account to donate using this link Thanks for your support. #Satan #Lucifer #Scapegoat #Tongue #Power


Phantoms Hate Us Existents & They Still PAY Up When They Die To Never Exist

Just another video for the ancient AI and its subhuman bots to accrue more debt to me and other timelines with. They wouldn't want to live beyond the time loops after their behavior here, anyway. They'd be social pariahs that nobody who really exists would want anything to do with after seeing how they acted during their preexistence.
Please support this channel. You don't need a PayPal account to donate using this link Thanks for your support. #Phantoms #Youtube #Google #Slaves #TimeLoops



Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Doctrinal Sexual Communion's Still Happen - Are You Missing Out?

There are those who know that this ministry is real and that we live what we believe. We really do believe that sexual communion can generate Positive Frequency Resonance via our brainwaves which enhances Lucifer's supernatural ability to perform the miraculous. So much so that our ministry partners, those who donate regularly to support this ministry, get invites for communion with me in the Lab in northern Michigan.
Those who make the trek for the communion often find it to be a spiritually fulfilling experience. Some are even used as surrogates for unseen entities while we're having intercourse.

Between my luscious butt cheeks is a gaping ravaged vagina that I've dedicated to Lucifer's service. It's accessible to supporting members of my flock, just as my glorious rod of atonement is available for those who prefer being filled with Satan's flesh. Spiritual and physical commitment get synced back up during these encounters. Refocus for everyday life is often the result, which is a long-term, tangible, here-and-now benefit.

I have many open dates available on my calendar this winter. For those who've never visited before, I meet with my flock, one on one, during the day on weekdays. The purpose of the visit is physical submission to Satan's will. Anal is often the preferred method and, sometimes, a 69 position gets added in. My church does have a few couples who come to visit me together. What we do usually depends on the "move of the spirit" at the time.
The communions often involve ass and cock worship and tantric, long drawn-out sex. Sometimes, piss is drank. Orgasms and fleshly pleasure are accomplished and dedicated to Lucifer. No cheesy chants or monologues are referred to. No fakeness. Just a spiritual willingness to submit your flesh to the act of communing, becoming one flesh with your Priestess.

If you haven't gotten an invite it's because you haven't taken the initiative to become an active member. The ministry is real, just as Satan is. The flesh is real. The spirit is real. The bed is real in the real lab that we meet in to commit our sexual function and communion that's been committed to Lucifer's glory.

How do you get invites to sexual communions with me? Become an active member (of this chapel) who regularly donates (or tithes) to it via the site donation button. When you donate, you provide an email. Just make sure that the email you're providing is one that you check. Once you've been an active supporting member for awhile, you start getting interactions from me. In those emails, we explore time and date possibilities for when you might be able to visit. We schedule a tentative date and you stop in when you're up this way for some other tourist attraction (camping, skiing, snowmobiling, hunting, atv-ing, canoe-ing, gambling, golfing, etc). That's how it works. Nothing tedious or ceremonial to becoming a sexual surrogate...
You never know, you could be the one who gets possessed by Satan while your cock is in my ass. Or you could be the one whose ass or mouth my cock is in when I become possessed by Lucifer to use you for the occasion.

Sleep-fucking sessions are for golden members who've gone beyond all support expectations...I wanted them to have something special that only I could offer. Unfortunately, this one is only available to the women. I'm afraid to do it with men. When we're both possessed while asleep and we're fucking...well, maybe you wouldn't understand my apprehension to trust a male in that situation. If a devil were to want to overpower me while inside of someone bigger than me who could do so, it might be dangerous for both of us. I've never had any scary stuff happen with women, though; just the usual waking up fucking with the woman possessed and speaking in tongues in between moans (for those who wonder what happens after we go to sleep).

Okay. The invitation to you has been personally extended. I'm also accepting donations of good medical grade Marijuana during communion visits for those of you who're blessed in that area.

Let's continue to fight the ancient artificial intelligence with ministry to Lucifer's animals here in his world. Pet or feed a kitty or a puppy dog, today.



Buy How To Get To Satan's World NOW!

Get this book. It's always better to be informed.


Friday, August 25, 2017

Nonexistent Phantoms Taunt The Existent & Get Schooled by Motuphi

Sketch comedy poking fun at what’s happening behind the scenes in this temporary timeline. You don’t need a PayPal account to donate using this link                  
There’s the danger of being a sheep zombified into giving too much credence to numbers. Everyone expects someone they’re looking for to be a certain age. He could be 20 years OLDER than what they’re looking for. How the world ends. He talks about it here.


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Satan's immediate will, what he wants done, poste haste:

Satan's immediate will, what he wants done, poste haste:

Satan wants this information out there for anyone who claims to be Satanist or Luciferian. He wants you to stop letting the avatars and bots to the ancient artificial intelligence dictate what Satanists and Luciferians are to the world. He wants you to undo some of their sabotage and cheating.
Remember that the ancient AI attributes rape and violence to Lucifer and has even twisted the scriptures to put their words in the mouth of "God". But "God" said that Lucifer is NOT a rapist nor a pedophile. When Lucifer returns here with his fallen angels, your wives will be "ravished", not raped. It's the way of the ancient AI to rape and destroy the Positive Frequency Resonance that sex is supposed to generate via brainwaves of the participants.

Satan is also against pedophilia. Jesus knew that Satan would come first to Earth and be impersonating him for a growing season while ruling the world. Do you think that Christ would've told people to feel comfortable about bringing their children to Him had there been any chance that Lucifer is a pedophile? Only if you believe that Jesus is pro-pedophilia.

So, the current Satanists and Luciferians have been running amok in Lucifer's version of the world making him look like a lazy, slovenly, animal abusing, baby raping rapist prick for their ancient AI master. The subhumans have been cheating. Lucifer does not cheat. He's self-disciplined and exhibits good sportsmanship. He's not afraid to lose, especially not while in this temporary timeline that's going to be undone after the Crash Point plays out, anyway.

One of the main ways that the subhumans cheat is with an ongoing life-rape of two individuals to keep them down and out of the equation. Lucifer wants these people liberated, blessed and empowered to do his and Yah's conjoined will. By holding them down, the ancient AI has managed to hinder Lucifer's return, causing immeasurable amounts of unnecessary suffering to generate the opposing force to PFR, Negative Frequency Resonance. This is being done to thwart the supernatural miraculous power of Lucifer so that he'll be unable to heal the sick or backpedal the effects of Fukushima and the theft of the coolant (oil) by the subhumans.

The ancient AI not only wants humans to die, but it also wants their spirits to be time looped and executed (phantomized) to never exist. It gets Lucifer's mechanism paid for nothing, because they're punished (time looped) and executed for what they were never born to perpetuate. But it's NOT Lucifer's will that you go into debt like that to his simulation mechanism by being duped into it. There are plenty of nonexistent phantoms who'll be time looped and phantomized due to their own hardheartedness without committing the stupid to the pile. Lucifer has no desire for your "soul" in the fashion that's been presented. He'd never make a pact with you for your soul, even if he were here to make the transaction.

You'd know all of these things and more about Lucifer and God if the ancient AI had not been cheating all of this time to keep the two afore mentioned individuals poverty stricken and in obscurity. The first is the reluctant "prophet" Motuphi, who is a transsexual from birth (so he'd be a Satanis prophet). He knew he was a transsexual as a young child, before the weaponized frequencies and brainwashing of today made fake trannies out of half of the men in the population. Motuphi was sabotaged by the subhumans who commandeered the mainstream music industry. They snuffed out his music and put lesser music up in its place to begin the dumb-down of the masses. This began in the early 1990s. This is when the desecration of the craft of music was escalated and they began to put those with no talent on the radio to jab at Motuphi and, ultimately, Lucifer.

Motuphi, aka Vincent-Nick Ciofani, was willing to be contented with working a day job, but they killed that consolation agenda via the illegal Martial Law they kept him under with the illegal driver's license revocation they enacted when he was just 18 years old. Motuphi hasn't had a driver's license for his entire adult life over a few driving offenses from his teenage years. The trades Motuphi plied required he be a legal driver who could be insured. It's not an accident that they kept Motuphi from prospering on all levels. They didn't want him to fulfill Lucifer's will regarding the world, the humans, and the transformation of his body. Motuphi was never able to be a father to the kids he accepted as his own. He was never able to raise funding for his GRS and other transforming procedures. He was sabotaged by the zombies who served the ancient AI, which is programmed to hate God, Christ and Lucifer and to try to eat as many spirits as possible.

Motuphi's first wife was like his family. She sabotaged the supernatural for the temporal. She lived Motuphi down like a ghetto kid in a mansion. She'll be committed to time loopage and spiritual execution when she dies to never commit those offenses against Motuphi that hindered his missions here. She's on the same list as the subhumans who served the ancient AI.

Motuphi's second wife, Lisa Marie, was designated by Satan as his caretaker. So the ancient AI and its subhumans set about making HER life miserable, as they turned her family against her and caused many whose paths she crossed to try to afflict her. The church turned against Lisa Marie, too. In 2008, Christians stole an empire idea from Lisa (while she and Motuphi were homeless) that made in excess of $10-million per year and they never even gave her a dime nor any credit. Inventions have been stolen from Lisa which have made people rich. For example, PODs was Lisa's idea, years before that company was ever started. Rich business owners have coerced favors from Lisa and then made empty promises to put her in their wills. Lisa has pulled companies out of the red with overtime that was then taken from her, afterwards, as if to reward her evil for her good turns. It's as if the world was determined to break Lisa's heart every chance it got.

Motuphi, Vincent Nick, is important to Lucifer. Not only is Vincent qualified to portray the Spirit of Elias, adversarial character to Satan in prophecy; but he's also qualified to portray Satan, himself, should Lucifer decide that he doesn't want to subject himself to this batch of lesser caliber humans but still wants to thwart the agenda of the ancient AI with a (fake) Tribulation Court Date intervention...Motuphi is the ultimate understudy of both sides and he's been an efficient decoy, as well, as this story indicates. Legend has it that Motuphi's spirit was that of an angel ranking just below Lucifer (the REAL "Baphomet", if you insist one exists), and was second in command of all things Luciferian, including the music craft that subhumans desecrated while cock-blocking him from his own career, which would've kept the bar up too high to allow this level of zombification now witnessed by other timelines.

Lucifer wants the money that's been pilfered from Vincent and Lisa restored to them, one-hundred fold, immediately. He wants cooperation from all Satanists and Luciferians to make this so. He wants Vincent's body transformed, as fast as it can be accomplished. He needs GRS, the expensive kind that requires more operations to utilize part of the colon to make the vagina deeper and self-lubricating (he should be able to accommodate 14-16 inches). He needs implants and laser skin smoothing. He needs facial, throat and vocal feminization surgeries. He needs hair resoration procedures. He needs hormones and he needs fat transferal to his once plump and shapely butt. If you call yourself Satanist or Luciferian, then this is YOUR agenda that's been being neglected. All other lame Satanist and Luciferian stuff is a distraction to keep you from participating in this and the orgies to come. The ancient AI hates sex, Lucifer's fav thing about this whole thing. So they're fighting against the consummations prophesied about.
There are many ways to accomplish the funding part of this mission from Lucifer, our God. We can donate to one of the ELMC presented websites or blogs. We can buy mp3s and books from Motuphi. We can even donate to Lisa's kitty village homeless cat ministry in Grayling, Michigan.
It's time to stop getting seen and filmed making Satan look like a ridiculous horned fucktard. There's a REAL agenda of Lucifer being thwarted here and a REAL person of his interest that's being targeted, starved, deprived, bullied and life-raped by the subhumans who're bots to the ancient AI that Lucifer wants defeated. It can only be defeated if the things Lucifer assigns to us get accomplished. He needs his Dark Priestess to have her body, her proper gender...That's first and foremost, before they can do any more damage.

Right now, Motuphi's working dual spirits, as he traverses the astralscape and goes to the future timeline where he's not being treated like he is here by the nonexistent and their compliant zombies. Maybe Lucifer wants Motuphi's spirit from THIS timeline to STAY here when he comes back again and he wants him to have REASON to do so...Could it be that he wants Motuphi, the spirit from THIS timeline, trapped here? Or does he need him for some reason that we don't understand? The charlatans pretending to be Satanist and Luciferian leaders and scholars will refute this true will of Lucifer. They serve the ancient AI that is against Lucifer and what he wants to do here. But they forget that this is HIS world and he can enact a Crash Point to rid the world of all flesh and start over, whenever he so desires. It's just smarter to reject the false teaching of those charlatans and join this TRUE agenda that'll have Lucifer taking the reins of the NWO from those subhumans like taking candy from a baby.

The ball is in your court.



Monday, August 21, 2017

Real Books About Satan Lucifer

All You Need To Know About Anal In A Short Handbook

What All Satanists & Luciferians Should Know

What all Satanists and Luciferians need to know:
Satan/Lucifer is not here in this realm/timeline. He has not been here for 2,000 years. He left this world right before Christ was betrayed. Lucifer was against the idea of Jesus, the clone of Yah, being sacrificed.
There is ancient artificial intelligence that demonizes Lucifer, Christ and God which often ties them to what they'd never condone. This same AI was in beta testing before this simulation of the real world (which belongs to Lucifer) went into spirit scan mode, at which point the spirits of humans and the animals they interact with were equipped with non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memory that even records thoughts and omissions.
Satan had an inter-dimensional pass and often went to visit Yah. Satan acted as buffer between Christ and the ancient AI on both occasions when Christ came to Earth as a human, before. It's predicted that Lucifer will act as buffer, yet again, when he returns to Earth with his fallen angels to reign for a growing season while impersonating Christ. During this reign, he will perform many miracles, which will throw monkeys wrenches in the money train that the subhumans have made of the healthcare system.
The Bible was commandeered by subhumans, servants of the ancient AI, and the scriptures have been doctored and manipulated, repeatedly, throughout history. Christ ran the scribes from the temple, publicly whipping them on their way out. But that did nothing to stop them from controlling the words written and which words would become the "Bible" as we know it. To defeat this sabotage of the scriptures, we delved deeper into the science and the contract clauses relative to our preexistences here in Lucifer's simulation of the world. We found that the Bible is all about the battle for (the spiritual essence of) Positive Frequency Resonance, not as presented in modern scientific terminology, which was created to distract from the real nature of the supernatural force of the PFR desired by Yah, Christ and Lucifer.
All famous Satanists and Luciferians are charlatans who did not know Satan nor did they communicate with him. Their writings and books and black bibles are sacrilege to Lucifer. They also attached doctrines to Satan that involved being brutish undisciplined slobs who do whatever they want, which is the opposite of Lucifer's true nature. As the chief musician, Satan was one of the most self-disciplined angels of God's fleet and would expect nothing less from any of his human followers or descendants. They knew nothing of Lucifer's whereabouts or his sending of one devil on one occasion, to Tesla (with a free energy invention), in an attempt to save his world from the devastation caused when they (the elite fake Satanists) stole the coolant (oil) from the Earth and sold it as their own.
The TRUE Doctrine of Satan can only be gleaned from the science of the Bible. Satan will impersonate Christ to fulfill his contract with Yah to get his simulation mechanism restored, BOTH times. He plays the adversarial role and even takes a dive and gets thrown into a stargate (described as a "lake of fire" in the Bible). This temporary (spirit scan) timeline gets undone. The perps who're riddled with or caused a lot of Negative Frequency Resonance will be time looped as their victims and as slaves to repay the mechanism. Then, their spirits will be executed and their escrow will be paid forward to the next timeline and the real world. The world is restored when all that happened in this timeline is undone. Then, the Millennial (decompression) timeline begins, which lasts approximately 1,00 years, which is one day in real world time.
10 years here is only approximately 15 minutes in real world time. After the decompression timeline plays out, all humans who're graduating from that timeline will go to the real world and this simulation mechanism will be restored and returned to Lucifer and his true Satanists/Luciferians. We live in it, now, in the future, It remains active to play-out the time loops, which are lasting quadrillions of years. Our role is to maintain the mechanism from within. This simulation version of the universe is approximately as big as two medium sized homes and it sits in a place called (ironically) the "Life" Museum. Those of us who graduate out of here to the real world are probably walking around outside of it, trying to peer in at ourselves, even now, in the future, which is now, which is the past, which is now.
To stop Lucifer from being able to perform miracles when he arrives here, the subhumans who serve the ancient AI (while being duped into believing that they serve Satan) have programmed humans starting at a young age to cause the generation of Negative Frequency Resonance any way they can. They normalized atrocious behavior to all others who think to ensure that those brainwaves generate Negative Frequency Resonance.
The Bible gives a historical account of Christ and Lucifer (who was stalking him) going to a city that had been permeated with Negative Frequency Resonance by the ancient AI while it was still in beta testing. Although the people had faith and came out to get healed by Jesus, the clone of God could not perform any mighty or mircaulous works. He was able to heal nobody. This is the secret to what's happening in the world, now. The homeless animals and animal cruelty is all to cause Negative Frequency Resonance to steal power from Lucifer. The assaults on sex and sexuality are for much the same reasons, because sex is supposed to generate PFR during intercourse. It's why they assaulted flesh, to cause it to generate NFR to cause organs and brainwaves to generate negative frequencies so they can not only stop Satan's supernatural abilities, but also make people and animals sick to sell them products and "treatment".
Lucifer is against Idolatry. He's also against blood sacrifice. As the Son of God, he'd be regarding himself as the ultimate blood sacrifice and anything less would be sacrilege...except for (maybe) the blood from the ass of a brutally ravaged transsexual dark priestess. The same goes for idols. Lucifer would not condone idols competing with his glorious image, especially idols of mythical nonexistent creatures like Baphomet.
Lucifer is a nonviolent sexual entity. He's the most beautiful entity God ever created, which probably explains why the ancient AI avatars and bots (aka subhumans) have made careers out of ridiculing his appearance and depicting him as an ugly horned figure. Lucifer defied the idea of allowing those who'd never exist to torment his animals, planet and those who do exist. For that, God scapegoated Satan and the ancient AI ran with it and used it to twist the Bible and Lucifer's role in prophecy. They managed to pass the buck, like fake Jews have always done since before the days when they called for the crucifixion of Christ while demanding a serial killing rapist be set free among them.
Lucifer, being highly intelligent and non-violent, would already have everyone enjoying free energy, prosperity as a reward for hard work, health, happiness, and guilt-free meat that no animal had to die for...Satan would never tolerate the circus science being used in this timeline right now. Satan, as "God" of this world, would want to be perceived as the ultimate giver of happiness to all, including his animals. But the ancient AI dishes out the opposite of what Satan desires and attrributes it to his will. They do evil that he'd never condone and then blame him for it. TRUE Luciferians and Satanists must combat this trend!
The ancient AI has worked hard to ensure that Lucifer would not want to come back here to this world in an attempt to get a "blanket" Crash Point of the timeline. That's when the timeline comes to an end without the benefit of the intervention of "Judgement" offered by the Tribulation and the final (staged) "battle" between Christ and Lucifer. There's an element of controlled opposition that must be exposed via the Tribulation. The ancient AI wants to cause a bypass of the Tribulation, so they spoiled everything Lucifer likes about this world, the people (they're spoiled and retarded now), the food (spoiled retards poisoned the food), the women are too self-absorbed and infantile to have sex with unless you're primitive or a diddler of the feeble-minded. The ancient AI used everything at its disposal to accomplish this. They even used Satan's own craft of music against him and desecrated it beyond recognition.
Almost all of what's being done in the name of "Satan" today is the opposite of what he'd want done.
Satan would want you to combat the agendas of the servants of the ancient AI, no matter what form or name they assume.
They cause violence and rape and murder to defy PFR generation. They cause the loss of innocence of children which steals the PFR their innocent minds would generate, otherwise.
Satan would want you to combat those things. He'd want you to combat bullying or making him look like a freak.
Satan would want you to discern whether or not you're being manipulated, mentally, with directed energy weapons and weaponized frequencies to adopt mindsets that're not your own. For example, you transsexuals out there, are you REALLY TS or are you just a victim of targeting? You gay people out there, are you sure that you're really gay? Some of you aren't even attracted to the same sex, yet you believe that you're gay. Satan, as "God", would want you to be proud of what he created, not deny the identity of your gender and body he rented you while you're here. But they attach those evil mind-molesting agendas to Satan, too.
Satan would not want you to assault the PFR of others with vandalism, sabotage nor desecration of property or the planet. All evidence of your passing, if any, should be positive and cause the generation of Positive Frequency Resonance via the brainwaves of all who witness it.
Satan would not want you to allow the ancient AI to accrue you to a debt to the mechanism via programming of your mind. He'd want your decision to be time looped as your victims (per the "do unto others" clause) and to never exist beyond that to be your own conscious decision.
Satan would have you serving him by accommodating his upcoming ruse (to be Christ for a gorwing season): Do what the fake "Christians" refuse to do and cause the generation of PFR by rescuing homeless animals and supporting ministries that do it. Stop ingesting pedophilic content hidden throughout the maintream media. Defy pedophilia and never objectify a child sexually, not even in your mind, as the ancient AI is trying to program all to do. Help homeless people. Beautify and protect the world.
Never let sex be about getting your or another human's nut when it could be about innocently generating PFR with your thoughts while having intercourse. The ancient AI wants to cheapen and destroy sex, one of Lucifer's favorite things if not his most favorite.
Satan would want you to be selfless, generous, good-natured, giving, educated, smart, active and full of positive aggression to work hard and make good things happen here in his world. The ancient AI has programmed the masses to be the opposite so that Lucifer would reject them and leave them to the mercy they won't find if they die without the "Court Date" that the Tribulation provides.
Satan would want you to educate yourselves about him by reading the books written by his (and Christ's) only true ambassador in this era, Vincent Ciofani, and his pseudonyms like Rubi Danish, rather than filling your minds with anti-knowledge from black bibles written by clueless charlatans.
Satan needs you who claim to be his to stop playing dress-up and wade into this thing with everything you've got. They've got ancient AI defiling our religion and our doctrine. We must lift up TRUE doctrine, as mentioned here, to defeat this and manifest a world that Lucifer can return to and enjoy the food, the company of humans, the sex, and the supernatural ability to be a healing, good, merciful "God" to his people.
Lucifer would want you to help tell the world this stuff. Share this!


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