Saturday, April 26, 2014

Rivaling Rahab the Prostitute's Level of Dedication/Commitment and Faith video embed

Published on Apr 24, 2014

 Rivaling Rahab the Prostitute's Level of Dedication/Commitment and Faith...I eventually talk about this subject a little bit after all of the mindless meandering. I got distracted with all of the troll-bashing and other stuff.

 You don't find too many people who can rival the level of commitment exemplified by a prostitute that made the nation of Israel an eventual possibility.

 When Rahab committed to participate in taking down Canaan, she was still a prostitute. The Hebrews chickened-out, due to the Canaanites being so big, and opted not to cross the river. They left the opposing river bank and retreated back into the desert, only to return 40 years later under the more violently aggressive rule of Joshua and his minions. By this time, Rahab was a successful business owner and her company fabricated various forms of flax and fabrics on an industrial level. Rahab was still committed to her oath to the Hebrews, even after 40 years had passed...

 The flax was still hanging from her window, 40 years later, and her house was spared the carnage of the hostile takeover.
 Moses was disobedient when charged with standing down the cowards, which costed the Hebrews an additional 40 years in the desert and the loss of the cowardly, programmed-to-submission generation. So Moses was not allowed to go to the Promised Land and was only able to see the takeover from the vantage point of a nearby mountain.
 Rahab was more ready for action and willing to do what God wanted of her than Moses was. She was merely a prostitute at the time and he was a judge, a priest, a prophet, and a liberator of God's Chosen people. Moses wrote laws for the people to abide by in the Promised Land. But Rahab, the prostitute, made it possible for them to conquer God's enemies and take possession of the land. So, without the prostitute, the laws would've been worthless, governing a people who were not a people who had no land of their own...

 God used a prostitute to grant the Promised Land to His chosen people as a statement. It's a statement that the religionists and "theologians" have worked hard to blot out and distract from due to their own male chauvinism and bigotry (they think they're "better" than prostitutes even though God never used them for anything near as enormous or historical, nor will He, due to their whack mentality).

 So, the lesson here is that, just when you think you're "all that" in the plan of God and you're doing some great thing for Him, there's a longstanding historical reference of how a prostitute's faith and perseverance already outdid you and made granting of a nation to God's people possible on Earth...The prostitute was effective hands through which God/Allah could get things done...Moses didn't match her tenacity and, chances are, neither have you...I'll admit that I don't, nor have I, ever. I'm like so many common products of this "instant gratification" generation (the "iGeneration"), I give-up too easily.
 I'm common. Moses was common. Rahab was not common. She was rare and unique and proof that God will use whomever HE pleases, regardless of what some holier-than-thou, bigoted, ineffective hypocrites may think or have to say about it.

 Israel exists due to Rahab. Irrefutable FACT.



Lucifer Won't Like The Change In Food and Atmosphere - Better Change It Back Quick! video embed

Published on Apr 16, 2014

Lucifer Won't Like The Change In Food and Atmosphere - Better Change It Back Quick! Lucifer is gonna remember how food tasted when he was here and he's not gonna like what's been done to it. He'll also be pissed about the change in the atmosphere. It'd be a good idea to change it all back, quick, before he gets back here pretending to be Jesus Christ/Joshua, the Son of God/Allah/Jehovah for the Tribulation.
Let's have a reign by a nice, happy Jesus. Not by an angry Jesus who's chasing shitworm-spirit controlled dictators and tyrants from offices of power like the real Christ chased dishonest money changers from the temple.
The government Lucifer is to reign with is one that liberates, provides for, and endears the population, NOT a deranged tyrannical government that subjugates them. Any government or official defying the proper parameters to rule with Lucifer as he pretends to be Christ, the Messiah, will be overpowered and dethroned....fact, not fiction.


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Crazy Sh!t, Like Mind Control, Mad Scientists, TI's and Other Dumb Stuff From TI Perspective

Published on Apr 7, 2014
Talking Crazy Sh!t, Like "Thought Police", Mind Control, Mad Scientists, TI's and Other Dumb Stuff From TI relationships, seeing through the eyes of others, collective thought transferal, experimentation run amok and out of control, mobbing, gang stalking, sabotage, etc.


Sunday, April 6, 2014

1 & Only Way Marijuana Is A Gateway Drug

Published on Apr 6, 2014
The 1 & Only Way Marijuana Is A Gateway Drug is by closing the gateway to marijuana (making it unavailable), then the gateway is opened to all other drugs that are readily available...and, even worse, alcohol.
Then, I digress into some ranting and meanderings on gang stalking and mobbing my wife and I have endured and how it's negatively effected our lives, the lives of others, and the surroundings. The dangers of trying to interact with Targeted Individuals under control of malicious "handlers" who may not respond kindly to trying to liberate one of their "subjects", who they may have running around in circles on wild goose chases for entertainment, or sheer meanness, or to flex their muscles that "their" TIs cannot be awakened nor liberated.
How hard it is: Watching TIs be sabotaged from within their inner circles by those who're supposed to be "for" (rather than "against") them due to them not realizing that they are being externally motivated (and in some cases, downright controlled) by shitworm-spirit controlled life-pirates who feed on the failure, desolation, and misery of others.
Hinting at: The silent blood sport the zombified are obscured from seeing, even while being victimized by it, and often while being the unwitting "stars" of the "nonexistent" "show".
Just another crazy rant that'll go into the Unlisted playlist soon.


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