Wednesday, February 26, 2014

NunCore Member/Donor Communion Gratitude Session Video Link



Monday, February 24, 2014

White Christians = White Devils - White Christianity = White Devilism

Published on Feb 22, 2014
White Christians = White Devils - White Christianity = White Devilism


Thursday, February 20, 2014

The "Alien" Noise: Subliminal SubTones/Frequencies In Media

Published on Feb 20, 2014
The "Alien" Noise: Subliminal SubTones/Frequencies In Media, the dual's back.


Monday, February 17, 2014

Christians R Monsters In Jehovah's Image So Lucifer Is God

Published on Feb 17, 2014
Christians Are Monsters Made In Jehovah's Image, which proves that Lucifer Must Be God...knowing Entities by their "fruit" and using life experience as valid examples. Testing Spirits. Bad fruit. Withered fig tree, dried-up generation. Following "God" into traps, wasting away precious years, stuck in horrible deserts, surrounded by an inferior demographic no longer seen as "human" nor possessing the potential to be "equal".


Thursday, February 13, 2014

My Own Rebellion Against Being a Satanic Shemale Dark Priestess/sexual concubine

My own rebellion against being a Satanic shemale Dark Priestess/sexual concubine and how I was in denial that God would just "give" me to insatiable evil entities to serve them sexually at the entrance to the portable portal to the realm where they're being held captive.


Lucifer & Eve In Eden

Published on Dec 17, 2013
Lucifer & Eve In Eden, the 8th day creation, Adamic race/God's "chosen", Satan's attempt to father Christ by impregnating Eve in the Garden of Eden, the 1st non-paternal twins on historical record are Cain and Abel -- from my Dark Priestess blog found at - recorded at 1:40AM EST Friday November 8th, 2013


The Only True Luciferian Is Not EVIL Enough To Be "Christian"

Published on Feb 10, 2014
the Only True Luciferian/Satanist on Earth Is Not EVIL Enough To Be "Christian"


Reconciling Science 2 Theology: Dinosaurs & Creationism

Published on Feb 7, 2014
Reconciling Science 2 Theology & Where Dinosaurs Came From. Science and Theology actually endorse each other if you look at things from the proper perspective.


Anti Religion Movement In Michigan Due To "Christians"

Published on Feb 4, 2014
Starting An Anti Religion Movement In Michigan Due To (bullying, molesting, and life molestation of) "Christians"...You may join my "ARMMi" or show support at Vincent Ciofani PO Box 105 Grayling, Mi 49738...Together we CAN boycott Christianity and thwart organized religion in America!!


Can't Send Angels To Do A Devil's Job

Published on Jan 29, 2014
Can't Send Angels To Do A Devil's Job...more or less ranting about Earth, people, the hidden prophecy of Daniel about the spirit scan and other stuff that's bothering me, like how uninformed/uneducated people always associate pedophilia to Lucifer when he's against pedophilia, rape, and torture/bloodshed. Satan is actually a nonviolent entity. GOD is the violent little bitch in this equation, in EVERY instance. God just can't stand it (that it's true) that Lucifer is far less evil and blood-thirsty than He is and that it's just plain more desirable all the way around that Lucifer is just a perve and God is just a violent spoiled little slut who can only show His face in negative fashion; He never makes sure people reap what they sowed when they sow POSITIVE seeds (just look at MY life for proof of my statements). Lucifer has 2,000 years of INNOCENCE under his belt since his incarceration and revocation of his inter-dimensional pass. None of us, nor nothing in Heaven (not even God), can claim that level of righteousness and holiness and innocence and purity. FACTS!
When I was talking about the UN funded sexual slavery of the late 1970s--early 80s, I forgot to mention this demographic covered in this video
like the children who were anally "fisted" to death and dumped in dumpsters in America, for example. The monsters who did that to those kids are cursed and marked for time loopage (as their victims and more) and then eternal execution. They did not get away with it, God is not mocked; they'll reap what they sowed very soon.


"Good" & "Christians" In The Same Sentence? It Ain't Pretty

Published on Jan 18, 2014
"Good" & "Christians" In The Same Sentence? Okay, But It Ain't Pretty. All I have for examples are negative, like my siblings, hypocrite sisters and niece who're such pathetic hypocrites they'll unfriend my wife on FB because they regard my art as "filth" and can't show any support for it after the decades of sacrifice we endured when my wife intervened against their homelessness with MY music budget that was never replaced (ground I never recovered due to the ground my money was sown into being so putrid and infertile). Bitches like my sisters are part of why I despise "Christians" so bad and have waged war against anything that'd allow such monsters to refer to Him as their "God". They're also the reason why I'm pushing to have my grandmothers on both sides eternally executed to stop a bunch of human-shaped shit in my own family from existing in the New Earth. If they never exist, then my grandfather gets a better wife, children and grandchildren and I get born to a woman who's not a monster-spawner and into a REAL family who doesn't eat their own like the Christian fanatical retarded inbreds (blatant pedophile and adulterer enablers) I was cursed with for family. I'm the oldest of a huge brood of inbredded monsters I can't even congregate with on the holidays because they're so vile and stuck-up and nasty.


Lying Luciferians/Satanists Can NOT Make a Pact With An Incarcerated Entity

Published on Jan 13, 2014
Lying Luciferians/Satanists Can NOT Make a Pact With An Incarcerated Entity! Lucifer has been incarcerated in God's realm with a revoked inter-dimensional pass for a little more than 2,000 years now. When he's released, he'll return to Earth pretending to be Jesus Christ/Joshua, the Son of God/Allah/Jehovah. So the Luciferians and Satanists who associate him to evil are defying his imminent conjoined end time agenda with God. They're counterproductive and perpetuate frauds based on lies and fairytales. For example: They don't have a clue that the Black Bible was NOT inspired nor condoned by Satan or that Aleister Crowley was a clueless charlatan who never communicated with Satan. Anyone who's communicated with Lucifer would know that he's been unable to communicate with, nor externally motivate/instigate, humans (or their behavior) for 2,000 years now. Their lack of this basic knowledge is evidence that they're phonies who either don't know or just don't care about the facts/truth about Lucifer (so their hearts are not truly with him any more than a Rapture Delusion Believing "Christian" has a heart united with Christ).
Sorry to hafta to pull their blankies off, but it's getting redundant with all of the associating Satan to evil he can NOT do nor instigate due to his current incarceration in another dimension. No one alive has ever made a pact with Satan nor have they ever been possessed by true devils (fallen angels), because they were also incarcerated, years ago, and will return with Lucifer when he imitates Christ pretending to be his "angels" the Earth women will throw themselves at.


Just Tokin' Talkin' Bad Soup, Shortened Shelf-Life, Conspiracy Theories & More BS

Published on Jan 11, 2014
Just Tokin' Talkin' Bad Soup, Shortened Shelf-Life, Conspiracy Theories & More BS...a passive rant, sorta'; nothing important, really. This video was recorded yesterday morning (01-10-2014).


Lucifer's Hidden True Nature May Not Be Known Due To Reprogramming During Incarceration

Published on Dec 26, 2013
Lucifer's Hidden True Nature May Not Be Known Due To Reprogramming During Incarceration...this was mostly just a rant.


God Is A Blood-Thirsty, Murderous Liar........or

God Is A Blood-Thirsty, Murderous, Pedophilic Lying Biyatch.....or, we're on an elaborate spirit scan that redeems His reputation.
I saw that pedophilia comes up as a "disease or medical condition" in the tags, which is erroneous. To accept it as such is just sh!tworm mentality.


God's Common Human Super Slut Mentality

Published on Dec 18, 2013
God's Common Human Super Slut Mentality and how it leaves me hanging for an equal-to-me entity other than Lucifer anywhere, even in Heaven. Again: If you'd make a negative comment against this commentary, then you're too infantile and sh!tworm-controlled to be allowed to share an opinion which could contaminate the minds of others; so comments are disabled so I don't hafta loose some supernatural hurt on some ignorant-assed human-shaped parasites.


Lucifer Is Not A Pedophile Nor A Rapist

Lucifer Is Not A Pedophile Nor A Rapist (nor is he a murderer), but God/Allah/Jehovah may very well be. I'll be starting a REAL Luciferian church where TRUTH about him and God can be taught. If you'd like to support my ministry, you're welcome to participate in this unrivaled example of proper righteousness and holiness: Vincent Ciofani POB 105 Grayling MI 49738
-- otherwise, your infantile thoughts and comments mean as little as you do to the overall scheme of things, so you should keep them to yourself as pee-stained linen your mama never taught you to keep hidden until they were cleaned.
-- If Lucifer was a pedophile, Christ would never have instructed people to let the children come to Him knowing that Lucifer would imitate Him on Earth during the Tribulation (duh)...He did not forcibly take any woman, not even Eve when he beguiled her.

My Luciferian Protest Proved His Holiness

My Luciferian Protest Proved His Holiness...this turned into more of a rant than anything else, all I seem to be capable of lately...I felt bad about this video & unlisted it. But there's nothing like arriving at the wife's house & going to back in her driveway & see some little kid scared half to death because she had an evil, inferior white devil mama who joined the torch-wielding children of the corn towns-folk in spreading rumors & lies about us based on their own homophobic weak-mindedness.


Welcome To Evangelical Luciferian Missionary Chapel

We'll begin by sharing our contact and support info here.

c/o Vincent Ciofani
POB 105
Grayling, MI 49738

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